Damour C., Benne M., Grondin-Perez B., Chabriat J.-P. (2009). Model based Soft-Sensor for Industrial Crystallization: On-line Mass of Crystals and Solubility Measurement. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 54:196-200
Grondin-Perez B., Benne M., Damour C., Chabriat J.-P. (2009). On-line estimation of mother liquor purity during the final stage of a cane sugar crystallization plant using neural network model. International Sugar Journal, 111(1332):751-754, 756
Communication dans un congrès
Beyou S., Grondin-Perez B., Benne M., Damour C., Chabriat J.-P. (2009). Control improvement of a C sugar cane crystallization using an auto tuning PID controller based on linearization of a neural network, , World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2009, 25-27 septembre 2009, Le Caire (Égypte). International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, 3(6):1646-1651.
Damour C., Benne M., Grondin-Perez B., Chabriat J.-P. (2009). Soft-sensor for on-line mass of crystals measurement: application to cane sugar crystallization, , Industrial Simulation Conference 2009, 1-3 juin 2009, Loughborough (Royaume-Uni).
Grondin-Perez B., Beyou S., Benne M., Chabriat J.-P. (2009). Non-linear PID control strategy using NN to improve the control of industrial sucrose crystallization, , XXIIe congrès de la société Française de Génie Procédés, 14-16 octobre 2009, Marseille (France). Actes du XXIIe congrès de la société Française de Génie Procédés, n.c.
Murad N. M. (2009). Low energy clustering adaptation protocol for an adhoc wireless sensor network, , Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, 2009. WTS 2009, 22-24 avril 2009, Prague (République Tchèque). 1-7.. doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/WTS.2009.5068952
Panigrahi B., De S., Lan Sun Luk J.-D. (2009). A greedy minimum energy consumption forwarding protocol for wireless sensor networks, , Communication Systems and Networks and Workshops, 2009. COMSNETS 2009. First International, 5-10 janvier 2009, Bangalore (Inde). Communication Systems and Networks and Workshops, 2009. COMSNETS 2009. First International, 1-6.. doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/COMSNETS.2009.4808838
Rivière S., Alicalapa F., Douyère A., Lan Sun Luk J.-D., Grondin-Perez B. (2009). An integrated model of a wireless power transportation for RFID and WSN applications, , 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, 2009. ICECS 2009, 13-16 décembre 2009, Hammamet (Tunisie). 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, 2009. ICECS 2009, 235-238.. doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/ICECS.2009.5410983