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  • tristan fougeroux, Alexandre Douyere, Nour Mohammad Murad, Julie Sibille, Shailendra Oree et JeanLou Dubard. Performance enhancement of low-cost microstrip patch antennas through 3D-printed conductive geometric forms. AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications / Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik, 177, pp. 155211. Elsevier, Apr 2024. 10.1016/j.aeue.2024.155211. #396
  • Christophe Lin-Kwong-Chon, Pierre Todoroff, Lionel Le Mézo, Michel Benne et Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo. Multi-level deep-based classification of land use and land cover: a case study on Réunion Island. XXXIe Congrès International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, pp. 9. Hyderabad, India, Feb 2024. #408
  • Chao Tang et Béatrice Morel. How do climate models represent wind resources in Southern Africa and predict their future changes?. EGU24. Vienna, Austria, Austria, Apr 2024. 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8855. #418
  • Samuel Challéat, Johan Milian, Kévin Barré, Rémi Bénos, Mathieu Delsaut, Nicolas Farrugia, Magalie Franchomme, Hélène Foglar, Jérémy Froidevaux, L Godet, Adrien Guetté, Patrick Jeanty, David Loose, Marion Maisonobe, Johann Michalczack, Béatrice Morel, Sylvain Morvan, Matthieu Renaud, Martin Riethmuller et Charles Ronzani. L'Observatoire réunionnais de l'environnement nocturne. Discussion autour d'une démarche collective et transdisciplinaire. Séminaire de la Fédération de Recherche ''Environnement et Société''. Corte, France, May 2023. #357
  • Amine Ouhechou, Nathalie Philippon, Béatrice Morel, Jörg Trentmann, Alexandre Graillet, Armand Mariscal et Yann Nouvellon. Inter-comparison and validation against in-situ measurements of satellite estimates of incoming solar radiation for Central Africa: From the annual means to the diurnal cycles. Atmospheric Research, 287, pp. 106711. Elsevier, 2023. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106711. #359
  • Méziane Ait Ziane, Michel Benne, Cédric Join, Cédric Damour, Nadia Yousfi Steiner et Marie Cécile Péra. A new concept of water management diagnosis for a PEM fuel cell system. Energy Conversion and Management, 285, pp. 116986. Elsevier, Jun 2023. 10.1016/j.enconman.2023.116986. #366
  • Harry Ramenah, Abdel Khoodaruth, Vishwamitra Oree, Zahiir Coya, Anshu Murdan, miloud bessafi et Damodar Doseeah. Johansen model for photovoltaic a very short term prediction to electrical power grids in the Island of Mauritius. Clean Technologies and Recycling, 3, 2, pp. 107-118. AIMS Press, Apr 2023. 10.3934/ctr.2023007. #368
  • Yannick Fanchette. Combinaison d'un modèle régional climatique et de modèles à réseaux de neurones pour la prévision du productible photovoltaïque : application au cas de l'île de La Réunion. Jun 2023. #375
  • agnès francois, Robin Roche, Dominique Grondin et Michel Benne. Modeling and Sizing of a Hydrogen Bus Refueling Infrastructure - A Case Study for Reunion Island. 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, pp. 01-06. IEEE, Belgrade, Serbia, Jun 2023. 10.1109/powertech55446.2023.10202824. #376
  • Olivier Pons, Xavier Nicolay, Yannis Hoarau, Michel Benne et Guy Pignolet. Satellite Swim Lane. 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS). Jun 2023. #378
  • tristan fougeroux, Alexandre Douyere, Laurent Chane-Kuang-Sang, Nour Mohammad Murad et JeanLou Dubard. A 3-D Printed Conformal Rectenna With Series Topology Using Fused Filament Fabrication Method. 2023 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), pp. 1-2. IEEE, Balaclava, Mauritius, May 2023. 10.1109/RADIO58424.2023.10146102. #380
  • Julie Sibille, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan, tristan fougeroux, Alexandre Douyere, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et Denis Genon-Catalot. Wireless Energy Harvesting Performance of 2.45 GHz Rectennas Array Inside Wall. 2023 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), pp. 1-2. IEEE, Balaclava, Mauritius, May 2023. 10.1109/RADIO58424.2023.10146077. #381
  • tristan fougeroux, Alexandre Douyere, Nour Mohammad Murad, Julie Sibille, Laurent Chane-Kuang-Sang et JeanLou Dubard. Récupération d'énergie électromagnétique avec une rectenna réalisée en impression 3D par dépôt de fil fondu. Congrès National de la Recherche des IUT - CNRIUT 2023. Saint-Pierre (La Réunion), France, Jun 2023. #382
  • olivia bory devisme, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan, Frédéric Alicalapa et Denis Genon-Catalot. Installation d'un nanoréseau CC (Courant Continu) pour l'étude des gains énergétiques dans le secteur tertiaire à La Réunion. CNRIUT 2023 Saint Pierre - La Réunion. Saint Pierre (La Réunion), Réunion, Jun 2023. #383
  • Chao Tang, Pauline Mialhe, Benjamin Pohl, Béatrice Morel, Martin Wild, Shunya Koseki, Babatunde Abiodun, miloud bessafi, Chris Lennard, Girish Kumar Beeharry, Roddy Lollchund, Tyagaraja S. Modelly Cunden et Swati Singh. Intraseasonal and synoptic modulation of diurnal surface solar radiation over Reunion island in the South-West Indian Ocean. Solar Energy, 262, pp. 111856. Elsevier, Sep 2023. 10.1016/j.solener.2023.111856. #384
  • Alexandre Graillet, Carole Latchoumaya, Chao Tang, Fabrice K/bidi, Tifenn Jegado, Cédric Damour et Michel Benne. Electrical production data of a domestic grid-connected rooftop PV plant in normal and shading faults conditions associated with solar and meteorological data in a tropical climate. Data in Brief, 46, 9, pp. 108723. Elsevier, Feb 2023. 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108723. #386
  • agnès francois, Robin Roche, Dominique Grondin et Michel Benne. Assessment of medium and long term scenarios for the electrical autonomy in island territories: The Reunion Island case study. Renewable Energy, 216, pp. 119093. Elsevier, 2023. 10.1016/j.renene.2023.119093. #388
  • Samuel Challéat, Matthieu Renaud, Kévin Barré, Rémi Bénos, Christian Brouat, Mathieu Delsaut, Nicolas Farrugia, Magalie Franchomme, Hélène Foglar, Jérémy Froidevaux, L Godet, Adrien Guetté, David Loose, Marion Maisonobe, Léa Mariton, Johann Michalczack, Johan Milian, Béatrice Morel, Sylvain Morvan, Martin Riethmuller et Charles Ronzani. Habiter les paysages nocturnes dans les Hauts de La Réunion. Une expérimentation fondée sur l'approche mésologique de l'environnement nocturne. Pratiquer l'océan Indien la nuit. Saint-Denis (La Réunion), France, Nov 2023. #391
  • Samuel Challéat, Johan Milian, Matthieu Renaud, L Godet, Rémi Bénos, Magalie Franchomme, Marion Maisonobe, Igor Babou, Caroline Parvaty Marimoutou, Léa Tardieu, Jérémy Froidevaux, Matthieu Le Corre, Adrien Guetté, Nicolas Farrugia, Béatrice Morel, Christian Brouat, Mathieu Delsaut et Sylvain Morvan. The nocturnal social-ecological systems of Réunion Island: challenges of knowledge and perspectives for action. Pre-proposal for a project in response to the AAPG2024 of the ANR. Oct 2023. #392
  • Andrew Barney, Heracles Polatidis, Stergios Vakalis, Dominique Grondin, Michel Benne, FaustoSainz Salces et Dias Haralambopoulos. Energy transition awareness: Can it guide local transition planning on islands?. Heliyon, 9, 9, pp. e19960. Elsevier, Sep 2023. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19960. #393
  • Nathalie Wallian, Chang Ching-Wei et Xavier Nicolay. Enseigner/apprendre la culture du risque majeur à l'école. Les savoirs de l'extrême. Médiation-appropriation en contextes. Editions Archives Contemporaines, Dec 2023. #394
  • Samuel Challéat, Johan Milian, Kévin Barré, Rémi Bénos, Christian Brouat, Mathieu Delsaut, Nicolas Farrugia, Magalie Franchomme, Hélène Foglar, Jérémy Froidevaux, L Godet, Adrien Guetté, David Loose, Marion Maisonobe, Léa Mariton, Johann Michalczack, Béatrice Morel, Sylvain Morvan, Matthieu Renaud, Martin Riethmuller et Charles Ronzani. L'Observatoire de l'environnement nocturne du CNRS. Webinaire de la Fédération des Parcs naturels régionaux de France. À distance, France, Jun 2023. #395
  • Dominique Grondin, Chao Tang, Donatille Nkunzi, Cédric Damour, Michel Benne et Béatrice Morel. Evaluation of the potential of green hydrogen from wind energy for heavy mobility in Reunion Island. WINDAC. Cape Town / Le Cap, South Africa, Oct 2023. #397
  • Chao Tang, Pauline Mialhe, Benjamin Pohl, Béatrice Morel, Martin Wild, Shunya Koseki, Babatunde Abiodun, miloud bessafi, Chris Lennard, Girish Kumar Beeharry, Roddy Lollchund, Tyagaraja S. Modelly Cunden et Swati Singh. Intraseasonal and synoptic modulation of diurnal surface solar radiation over Reunion island in the South-West Indian Ocean. Solar Energy, 262, pp. 111856. Elsevier, Sep 2023. 10.1016/j.solener.2023.111856. #400
  • Chao Tang, Béatrice Morel, Swati Singh, Alexandre Graillet, Julien Pergaud, RemyIneza Mugenga, Lwidjy Baraka, MarieDominique Leroux, Patrick Jeanty, Mathieu Delsaut, Tyagaraja S. Modelly Cunden, Girish Kumar Beeharry et Roddy Lollchund. High-resolution dynamical downscaling experiment outputs data over Reunion and Mauritius islands in the South-West Indian Ocean. Data in Brief, 51, pp. 109665. Elsevier, Dec 2023. 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109665. #401
  • olivia bory devisme, Frédéric Alicalapa, Denis Genon-Catalot, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan, Laurent Lemaitre et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Impact of AC vs DC Distribution on System Efficiency in a Nanogrid Office. 2023 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), pp. 1-5. IEEE, Canberra, Australia, Sep 2023. 10.1109/TENSYMP55890.2023.10223664. #404
  • Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo, Alexandre Douyere, Yang Liu, Wenceslas Rahajandraibe, Fayu Wan, George Chan et Mathieu Guerin. Fully Microstrip Three-Port Circuit Bandpass NGD Design and Test. IEEE Design & Test, 40, 1, pp. 96-104. IEEE, Feb 2023. 10.1109/MDAT.2022.3164337. #414
  • Blaise Manzi Habamungu, Mathieu Delsaut, Béatrice Morel, Patrick Jeanty, Chao Tang, Guillaume Guimbretière, Benjamin Pillot et Mathieu David. DNI estimation from SPN1 pyranometer and satellite for the assessment of solar radiation availability for concentrating solar systems in Reunion Island. SASEC (Southern African Sustainable Energy Conference) 2023. Port-Elizabeth, South Africa, Nov 2023. #420
  • Liliane Uwajeneza, Béatrice Morel, Chao Tang et Bamba Sylla. Intercomparison and validation of ERA5, ERA5-LAND and AROME against in-situ measurements for wind energy applications over Reunion Island. SASEC (Southern African Sustainable Energy Conference) 2023, pp. 106/Conference Proceedings. Port-Elizabeth, South Africa, Nov 2023. #423
  • Christella Igihozo, Béatrice Morel, Mathieu Delsaut, Chao Tang, Patrick Jeanty, Morgane Goulain, Jörg Trentmann, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et Amine Ouhechou. Comparison and validation against in-situ measurements of the SARAH-3 solar irradiance satellite estimates over the South West Indian Ocean. SASEC (Southern African Sustainable Energy Conference) 2023, pp. 99/Conference proceedings. Port-Elizabeth, South Africa, Nov 2023. #424
  • Méziane Ait Ziane, Hugues Rafaralahy, Michel Zasadzinski et Cédric Join. Model-free control of alkaline electrolysis temperature with time delays. International Conference on Systems and Control, ICSC 2023. Sousse, Tunisia, Dec 2023. #427
  • Samuel Ngoho, MariamDeme Camara, Yuandan Dong, Alexandre Douyere, Nour Mohammad Murad, Preeti Thakur, Atul Thakur, Rivo Randriatsiferana et Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo. S-matrix-based bandpass negative group delay innovative model of inverted parallel arm distributed topology. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Taylor & Francis, Mar 2022. 10.1080/09205071.2022.2043191. #338
  • Nathalie Philippon, Amine Ouhechou, Pierre Camberlin, J Trentmann, AH Fink, JeanDamien Maloba Makanga, Béatrice Morel et G Samba. Characterization of Sunshine Duration in Western Equatorial Africa: In Situ Measurements versus SARAH-2 Satellite Estimates. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61, 2, pp. 185-201. American Meteorological Society, Feb 2022. 10.1175/JAMC-D-21-0072.1. #349
  • Etienne Dijoux, Nadia Yousfi Steiner, Michel Benne, Marie Cécile Péra et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. Experimental Validation of an Active Fault Tolerant Control Strategy Applied to a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. Electrochem, 3, 4, pp. 633-652. MDPI, Oct 2022. 10.3390/electrochem3040042. #351
  • Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, Guy Pignolet, Xavier Nicolay, Judi Sandrock et Erika Velio. LoRa communication system for the solar sailcraft Payankeu and the Earth-Moon Challenge. IAC 2022 Congress Proceedings, 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), pp. 73303. Paris, France, Sep 2022. #353
  • olivia bory devisme, Frédéric Alicalapa, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan, Denis Genon-Catalot et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Conception d'un banc de mesures expérimental hybride en courant continu pour les sites isolés autonomes en énergie. Journées couplées GDR SEEDS JCGE 2022. Le Croisic, France, Jun 2022. #354
  • tristan fougeroux, Alexandre Douyere, Nour Mohammad Murad, JeanLou Dubard et Laurent Chane-Kuang-Sang. Amélioration des performances d'une antenne patch rectangulaire en impression additive DFF par cavité d'air. Journées Nationales des Microondes 2022, 22e Journées Nationales Microondes; Recueil des Actes, pp. 4. Limoges, France, Jun 2022. #355
  • olivia bory devisme, Frédéric Alicalapa, Denis Genon-Catalot, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Design and implementation of an experimental DC microgrid for energy self-sufficient isolated sites. Journées couplées GDR SEEDS JCGE 2022. Jun 2022. #356
  • Samuel Challéat, Johan Milian, Dany Lapostolle, Lisa Olivette, Héloïse Prévost, Kévin Barré, Rémi Bénos, Marion Maisonobe, Charles Ronzani, Hélène Foglar, David Loose, Matthieu Renaud, Patrick Jeanty, Béatrice Morel, Mathieu Delsaut, Sylvain Morvan, Nicolas Farrugia, Nicolas Pajusco, Anthony Dofal, Jérémy Froidevaux et L Godet. L'Observatoire de l'environnement nocturne de La Réunion, un dispositif partenarial de recherche-action territorialisée. 2022. #358
  • Vincent Moron, Raffael Aellig, Lewis Backita, Alexandre Berger, Sylvain Bigot, Pierre Camberlin, Thierry Castel, Olivier Champagne, Andreas Fink, Peter Knippertz, JeanDamien Maloba Makanga, Armand Mariscal, Béatrice Morel, Amine Ouhechou, Julien Pergaud, Nathalie Philippon, Gaston Samba et Geneviève Sèze. Evolution de la couverture nuageuse basse de saison sèche sur la façade atlantique de l'Afrique centrale de l'échelle diurne à interannuelle. 35th Annual Conference of the International Association of Climatology (AIC 2022),, pp. 6. Toulouse, France, Jul 2022. #360
  • Méziane Ait Ziane, Cédric Join, Marie Cécile Péra, Nadia Yousfi Steiner, Michel Benne et Cédric Damour. A new method for fault detection in a free model context. Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes. Pafos, Cyprus, Jun 2022. #361
  • Méziane Ait Ziane, Marie Cécile Péra, Cédric Join, Michel Benne, Jean-Pierre Chabriat, Nadia Yousfi Steiner et Cédric Damour. On-line implementation of model free controller for oxygen stoichiometry and pressure difference control of polymer electrolyte fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47, 90, pp. 38311-38326. Elsevier, Nov 2022. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.08.309. #362
  • Carole Latchoumaya, Fabrice K/bidi, Alexandre Graillet, Tifenn Jegado, Frédéric Alicalapa, Michel Benne et Cédric Damour. PV System Failures Diagnosis Based on Multiscale Dispersion Entropy. Entropy, 24, 9, pp. 1311. MDPI, Sep 2022. 10.3390/e24091311. #364
  • Méziane Ait Ziane, Nadia Yousfi Steiner, Cédric Join, Michel Benne, Cédric Damour et Marie Cécile Péra. Model-free fault detection: application to polymer electrolyte fuel cell system. 10th International Conference on Systems and Control, ICSC 2022, pp. 340-345. Marseille, France, Nov 2022. 10.1109/ICSC57768.2022.9993863. #365
  • Lucas Vatinel, miloud bessafi et Mihir Panvalkar. Application of Lagrangian mechanics to the hydrodynamic analysis of a cold-water pipe for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. EFEA 2022, pp. 1-6. IEEE, Moka, Mauritius, Dec 2022. 10.1109/EFEA56675.2022.10063831. #367
  • Rivo Randriatsiferana, Frédéric Alicalapa, Richard Lorion, Lala Rajaoarisoa, Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo et Christophe Moy. Energy Modeling Based on Power Profiling of Wireless Sensor Device. IEEE Sensors Journal, 22, 23, pp. 22754-22769. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Dec 2022. 10.1109/jsen.2022.3212933. #369
  • Fabrice K/bidi, Cédric Damour, Dominique Grondin, Mickaël Hilairet et Michel Benne. Multistage power and energy management strategy for hybrid microgrid with photovoltaic production and hydrogen storage. Applied Energy, 323, pp. 119549. Elsevier, 2022. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119549. #371
  • Carole Latchoumaya, Fabrice K/bidi, Frédéric Alicalapa, Michel Benne et Cédric Damour. PV Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Time Series Electrical Signal Analysis. Engineering Proceedings, pp. 18. MDPI, Jun 2022. 10.3390/engproc2022018018. #372
  • agnès francois, Robin Roche, Dominique Grondin et Michel Benne. Intégration de l'hydrogène dans le réseau électrique de La Réunion : scénarios et impacts. Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Électrique. Le Croisic, France, Jun 2022. #374
  • Christophe Lin-Kwong-Chon, Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. Adaptive neural control of PEMFC system based on data-driven and reinforcement learning approaches. Control Engineering Practice, 120, pp. 105022. Elsevier, Mar 2022. 10.1016/j.conengprac.2021.105022. #387
  • Chao Tang, Pauline Mialhe, Benjamin Pohl, Béatrice Morel, Shunya Koseki, Babatunde Abiodun et miloud bessafi. Variability of the Surface Solar Radiation over Reunion island and its interaction with the synoptic, intraseasonal and interannual convective variability. EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria, May 2022. 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6831, 2022. #410
  • Sergueï Martemianov, Sébastien Boulevard, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. Characterization of Aging Effects during PEM Electrolyzer Operation Using Voltage Instabilities Evolution. Elektrokhimiya / Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 58, 4, pp. 258-270. MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, Apr 2022. 10.1134/S102319352204005X. #416
  • Ophélie Lo-Thong-Viramoutou, Philippe Charton, Xavier F Cadet, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Emma Saavedra, Cédric Damour et Frédéric Cadet. Non-linearity of Metabolic Pathways Critically Influences the Choice of Machine Learning Model. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5, pp. 744755. Frontiers Media S.A., Jun 2022. 10.3389/frai.2022.744755. #417
  • Tina Andriantsalama, Chao Tang, RemyIneza Mugenga, Thierry Portafaix, Mathieu Delsaut, Patrick Jeanty, Alexandre Graillet, Girish Kumar Beeharry, Roddy Lollchund, Tyagaraja S. Modelly Cunden et Béatrice Morel. Estimation of cloud fraction by longwave radiation using machine learning. ITISE 2022. Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, Jun 2022. #422
  • Méziane Ait Ziane. Contrôle et diagnostic sans modèle a priori, application au système pile à combustible PEMFC. Dec 2022. #425
  • Méziane Ait Ziane, Marie Cécile Péra, Cédric Join, Nadia Yousfi Steiner et Michel Benne. Application d'un contrôleur proportionnel intelligent pour une pile à combustible. Journées annuelles du GdR SEEDS - Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Électrique, JCGE 22. Le Croisic, France, Jun 2022. #426
  • Farid Aubras, Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Sébastien Boulevard, miloud bessafi, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo et Jonathan Deseure. A Non-Intrusive Signal-Based Fault Diagnosis Method for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer Using Empirical Mode Decomposition. Energies, 14, 15, pp. 4458. MDPI, Aug 2021. 10.3390/en14154458. #10
  • Farid Aubras, Maha Rhandi, Jonathan Deseure, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, miloud bessafi, Jude Majasan, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Florence Druart et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Dimensionless approach of a polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolysis: Advanced analytical modelling. Journal of Power Sources, 481, pp. 228858. Elsevier, Jan 2021. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228858. #11
  • Elodie Pahon, Samir Jemei, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et Daniel Hissel. Impact of the temperature on calendar aging of an open cathode fuel cell stack. Journal of Power Sources, 488, pp. 229436. Elsevier, 2021. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.229436. #45
  • tristan fougeroux, Alexandre Douyere, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan, Nour Mohammad Murad, Shailendra Oree et JeanLou Dubard. Circuit Model of Rectennas Array for Estimating Microwave Energy Harvesting in Presence of Mutual Coupling Between Elements. 10ième Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage de l'Energie (JNRSE 2021), pp. 2. Grenoble, France, Jun 2021. #51
  • Mathieu Guerin, Yang Liu, Alexandre Douyere, George Chan, Fayu Wan, Sebastien Lallechere, Wenceslas Rahajandraibe et Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo. Design and Synthesis of Inductorless Passive Cell Operating as Stop-Band Negative Group Delay Function. IEEE Access, 9, pp. 100141-100153. IEEE, 2021. 10.1109/access.2021.3095814. #52
  • Edouard Rochefeuille. Caractérisations et évolutions des structures de collecte d'énergie RF sur substrats Si et SOI : application à la gestion d'énergie des systèmes microwatts. Jul 2021. #86
  • Elie Zaraket, Nour Mohammad Murad, SamarSyed Yazdani, Lala Rajaoarisoa et Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo. An overview on low energy wake-up radio technology: Active and passive circuits associated with MAC and routing protocols. Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), 190, pp. 103140. Elsevier, 2021. 10.1016/j.jnca.2021.103140. #91
  • Fabrice K/bidi, Cédric Damour, Dominique Grondin, Mickaël Hilairet et Michel Benne. Power Management of a Hybrid Micro-Grid with Photovoltaic Production and Hydrogen Storage. Energies, 14, 6, pp. 1628. MDPI, Mar 2021. 10.3390/en14061628. #115
  • Sébastien Boulevard. Étude expérimentale d'une cellule d'électrolyseur à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMWE) : contribution à l'optimisation d'une Pile A Combustible Réversible (PAC-R), pour le stockage d'énergie solaire. May 2021. #118
  • Rivo Randriatsiferana, Yajian Gan, Fayu Wan, Wenceslas Rahajandraibe, Rémy Vauché, Nour Mohammad Murad et Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo. Study and experimentation of a 6-dB attenuation low-pass NGD circuit. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 110, 1, pp. 105-114. Springer Verlag, 2021. 10.1007/s10470-021-01826-x. #120
  • Rivo Randriatsiferana, Yajian Gan, Fayu Wan, Wenceslas Rahajandraibe, Rémy Vauché, Nour Mohammad Murad et Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo. Study and Experimentation of a 6dB Attenuation Low-Pass NGD Circuit. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 110, 1, pp. 105-114. Springer Verlag, Apr 2021. 10.1007/s10470-021-01826-x. #121
  • Mael Riou, Christophe Le Loup, Florian Dupriez-Robin, TuanQuoc Tran, Dominique Grondin et Michel Benne. A method for planning evolutive design of isolated renewable microgrids with multi-objective optimisation. 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, pp. 1-6. IEEE, Madrid, France, Jun 2021. 10.1109/PowerTech46648.2021.9495051. #342
  • Mael Riou, Florian Dupriez-Robin, Dominique Grondin, Christophe Le Loup, Michel Benne et TuanQuoc Tran. Multi-Objective Optimization of Autonomous Microgrids with Reliability Consideration. Energies, 14, 15, pp. 4466. MDPI, 2021. 10.3390/en14154466. #343
  • Béatrice Morel, Patrick Jeanty, Mathieu Delsaut, Nicolas Hassambay, Alexandre Graillet et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Surface measurement of total solar and ultraviolet irradiance and ancillary meteorological data at the South-West Indian Ocean Solar network (IOS-net) stations. Data in Brief, 37, pp. 107136. Elsevier, Aug 2021. 10.1016/j.dib.2021.107136. #346
  • Amine Ouhechou, Nathalie Philippon et Béatrice Morel. Validation and comparison of incoming solar radiation satellite databases on the Atlantic coast of Central Africa. EGU General Assembly 2021. Vienna, Austria, Apr 2021. 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3493. #348
  • Etienne Dijoux, Nadia Yousfi Steiner, Michel Benne, Marie Cécile Péra et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. Fault Structural Analysis Applied to Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Water Management Issues. Electrochem, 2, 4, pp. 604-630. 2021. #350
  • Peng Li, Béatrice Morel, miloud bessafi et Qi Li. Intraseasonal and synoptic climate variability of surface solar radiation over South-West Indian Ocean: Regional climate modelling. International Journal of Climatology, 42, 8, pp. 4405-4423. Wiley, Dec 2021. 10.1002/joc.7476. #398
  • Farid Aubras, Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Christophe Lin-Kwong-Chon, Jonathan Deseure et Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo. Méthode de diagnostic non intrusive appliquée aux électrolyseurs à membrane échangeuse de protons. May 2021. #403
  • Farid Aubras, Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Christophe Lin-Kwong-Chon, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et idriss sinapan. Exploration des régimes bulleux au sein d'un système électrolyseur à membrane échangeuse de protons. May 2021. #406
  • Mathieu Guerin, Yang Liu, Alexandre Douyere, George Chan, Fayu Wan, Sebastien Lallechere, Wenceslas Rahajandraibe, Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo, Taochen Gu, Binhong Li et Bo Li. Design and Experimentation of Inductorless Low-Pass NGD Integrated Circuit in 180-nm CMOS Technology. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 9, pp. 1-1. IEEE, 2021. 10.1109/TCAD.2021.3136982. #415
  • Swati Singh, Chao Tang et Béatrice Morel. Bias-correction of Surface Wind over Reunion and Mauritius Islands using CORDEX Regional Climate Model: RegCM4.7. EGU General Assembly 2021. Online, Austria, Apr 2021. 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10975. #421
  • Cédric Damour, Dominique Grondin, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Experimental Evaluation of Parameterized Nonlinear MPC Applied to PEM Fuel Cell. Engineering, 12, 2, pp. 99-116. Scientific Research, Feb 2020. 10.4236/eng.2020.122010. #25
  • miloud bessafi, Vishwamitra Oree, Abdel Khoodaruth et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Impact of decomposition and kriging models on the solar irradiance downscaling accuracy in regions with complex topography. Renewable Energy, 162, pp. 1992-2003. Elsevier, Dec 2020. 10.1016/j.renene.2020.10.018. #32
  • Peng Li, miloud bessafi, Béatrice Morel, Jean-Pierre Chabriat, Mathieu Delsaut et Li Qi. Daily Surface Solar Radiation Prediction Mapping Using Artificial Neural Network: The Case Study of Reunion Island. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 142, 2, pp. 021009. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Apr 2020. 10.1115/1.4045274. #35
  • Pauline Mialhe, Benjamin Pohl, Béatrice Morel, Jörg Trentmann, Guillaume Jumaux, François Bonnardot, miloud bessafi et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. On the determination of coherent solar climates over a tropical island with a complex topography. Solar Energy, 206, pp. 508-521. Elsevier, Aug 2020. 10.1016/j.solener.2020.04.049. #44
  • Ophélie Lo-Thong-Viramoutou, Philippe Charton, Xavier F Cadet, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Emma Saavedra, Cédric Damour et Frédéric Cadet. Identification of flux checkpoints in a metabolic pathway through white-box, grey-box and black-box modeling approaches. Scientific Reports, 10, 1, pp. 13446. Nature Publishing Group, Aug 2020. 10.1038/s41598-020-70295-5. #46
  • AnamyaAjjolli Nagaraja, Philippe Charton, Xavier F Cadet, Nicolas Fontaine, Mathieu Delsaut, Birgit Wiltschi, Alena Voit, Bernard Offmann, Cédric Damour, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Frédéric Cadet. A Machine Learning Approach for Efficient Selection of Enzyme Concentrations and Its Application for Flux Optimization. Catalysts, 10, 3, pp. 291. MDPI, Mar 2020. 10.3390/catal10030291. #47
  • Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo, Wenceslas Rahajandraibe, Yajian Gan, Fayu Wan, Nour Mohammad Murad et Alexandre Douyere. Reconstruction Technique of Distorted Sensor Signals with Low-Pass NGD Function. IEEE Access, 8. IEEE, May 2020. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2994630. #53
  • Christophe Lin-Kwong-Chon. Approches neuronales adaptatives pour le contrôle tolérant aux défauts de systèmes pile à combustible. Jun 2020. #69
  • AliHamada Fakra, BlazquezRecioAlfonso José, Nour Mohammad Murad, AndoNyAina Randriantsoa et Jean-Claude Gatina. Experimental data and calibration processes to a new and simple device dedicated to the thermo-optical properties of a polycarbonate construction material. Data in Brief, 32, pp. 106289. Elsevier, Sep 2020. 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106289. #89
  • AliHamada Fakra, BlázquezRecio Alfonso José, Nour Mohammad Murad et Jean-Claude Gatina. A new affordable and quick experimental device for measuring the thermo-optical properties of translucent construction materials. Journal of Building Engineering, pp. 101708. Elsevier, Sep 2020. 10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101708. #90
  • Xiang Zhou, Taochen Gu, Lili Wu, Fayu Wan, Binhong Li, Nour Mohammad Murad, Sebastien Lallechere et Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo. S-Matrix and Bandpass Negative Group Delay Innovative Theory of Ti-Geometrical Shape Microstrip Structure. IEEE Access. IEEE, 2020. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3020270. #92
  • Nour Mohammad Murad, L Rajaoarisoa, S Lalléchère, G Fontgalland et Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo. Analysis of microstrip coupled line based data signal and energy hybrid receiver. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 34, 18, pp. 2433-2454. Taylor & Francis, Dec 2020. 10.1080/09205071.2020.1819443. #96
  • Mathieu Delsaut, Patrick Jeanty, Béatrice Morel et Dominique Gay. ``J'veux du Soleil'' Towards a Decade of Solar Irradiation Data (La Réunion Island, SW Indian Ocean). Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data (ECML/PKDD 2020 workshops), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 113-121. Springer International Publishing, Dec 2020. 10.1007/978-3-030-65742-0_8. #402
  • Farid Aubras, Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, miloud bessafi, Christophe Lin-Kwong-Chon, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Jonathan Deseure et Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo. Empirical Mode Decomposition Applied to Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer for Non-Intrusive Diagnosis. Nov 2020. 10.1149/MA2020-02533762mtgabs. #407
  • Julien Rohe, Christophe Lin-Kwong-Chon, Sébastien Boulevard, Cédric Damour, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo et miloud bessafi. Digital Processing of the Different Operating Modes of a PEM Electrolyser Viafast Camera. Nov 2020. 10.1149/MA2020-02533856mtgabs. #411
  • Edouard Rochefeuille, Alexandre Douyere, Frédéric Alicalapa, E Vandelle et TP Vuong. Prototype d'une antenne patch à cavité en croix à polarisation croisée pour la récupération d'énergie dans la bande ISM à 2,45 GHz. Journée Nationales Microondes 2019. Caen, France, May 2019. #5
  • Maha Rhandi, Farid Aubras, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Florence Druart, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jonathan Deseure. Dimensionless approach of a pressurized proton exchange membrane water electrolysis. 12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, ECCE12, pp. 1903-1904. Florence, Italy, Sep 2019. 10.3303/BOA1901. #8
  • Fabrice K/bidi, Cédric Damour, Dominique Grondin, Mickaël Hilairet et Michel Benne. Model Predictive Control for Micro Grid stabilisation in case of loss of units. Conference on Decision and Control. Nice, France, Dec 2019. #13
  • Fabrice K/bidi, Cédric Damour, Dominique Grondin, Mickaël Hilairet et Michel Benne. Optimal fuel cell and electrolyser Energy Management System for microgrid. Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Lisbon, Portugal, Oct 2019. #15
  • Chao Tang, Béatrice Morel, Martin Wild, Benjamin Pohl, Babatunde Abiodun, Chris Lennard et miloud bessafi. Numerical simulation of surface solar radiation over Southern Africa. Part 2: projections of regional and global climate models. Climate Dynamics, 53, 3-4, pp. 2197-2227. Springer Verlag, Aug 2019. 10.1007/s00382-019-04817-x. #36
  • miloud bessafi, Jean-Pierre Chabriat, Anja Mihailović, Li Peng et DragutinT Mihailović. Algorithmic Probability Method Versus Kolmogorov Complexity with No-Threshold Encoding Scheme for Short Time Series: An Analysis of Day-To-Day Hourly Solar Radiation Time Series over Tropical Western Indian Ocean. Entropy, 21, 6, pp. 552. MDPI, May 2019. 10.3390/e21060552. #39
  • Chao Tang, Béatrice Morel, Martin Wild, Benjamin Pohl, Babatunde Abiodun et miloud bessafi. Numerical simulation of surface solar radiation over Southern Africa. Part~1: evaluation of regional and global climate models. Climate Dynamics, 52, 1-2, pp. 457-477. Springer Verlag, Jan 2019. 10.1007/s00382-018-4143-1. #40
  • François Taglioni, Sébastien Guiltat, Magali Teurlai, Mathieu Delsaut et Denis Payet. A spatial and environmental analysis of shark attacks on Reunion Island (1980--2017). Marine Policy, 101, pp. 51-62. Elsevier, Mar 2019. 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.12.010. #48
  • Fabrice K/bidi. Développements et tests de stratégies de gestion de l'énergie à l'échelle de micro réseaux avec stockage et production d'hydrogène. Dec 2019. #60
  • Etienne Dijoux. Contrôle tolérant aux défauts appliqué aux systèmes pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (pemfc). Apr 2019. #97
  • Christophe Lin-Kwong-Chon, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Cédric Damour et Michel Benne. A review of adaptive neural control applied to proton exchange membrane fuel cell systems. Annual Reviews in Control, 47, pp. 133-154. Elsevier, Dec 2019. 10.1016/j.arcontrol.2019.03.009. #116
  • miloud bessafi, Vishwamitra Oree, AbdelAnwar Hossen Khoodaruth, Guillaume Jumaux, François Bonnardot, Patrick Jeanty, Mathieu Delsaut, Jean-Pierre Chabriat, Muhammad Zaid Dauhoo et Li Peng. Multifractal Analysis of Daily Global Horizontal Radiation in Complex Topography Island: La Reunion as a Case Study. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 141, 3. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Jun 2019. 10.1115/1.4041404. #399
  • Sébastien Boulevard, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Sergueï Martemianov, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et A Thomas. Étude des régimes fluidiques au sein d'un électrolyseur PEM / Méthodes de caractérisation non intrusive : analyse du bruit électrochimique. 8th International Conference on ''Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells FDFC 2019. Feb 2019. #405
  • Xavier F Cadet, Ophélie Lo-Thong-Viramoutou, Sylvie Bureau, Reda Dehak et miloud bessafi. Use of Machine Learning and Infrared Spectra for Rheological Characterization and Application to the Apricot. Scientific Reports, 9, 1, pp. 12 p.. Nature Publishing Group, 2019. 10.1038/s41598-019-55543-7. #409
  • Anamya Ajjolli Nagaraja, Nicolas Fontaine, Mathieu Delsaut, Philippe Charton, Cédric Damour, Bernard Offmann, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Frédéric Cadet. Flux prediction using artificial neural network (ANN) for the upper part of glycolysis. PLoS ONE, 14, 5, pp. e0216178. Public Library of Science, May 2019. 10.1371/journal.pone.0216178. #412
  • Farid Aubras. Contribution à l'étude de l'influence des régimes bi-phasiques sur les performances des électrolyseurs de type PEM basse pression : approche numérique, analytique et expérimentale. Apr 2018. #6
  • Harry Ramenah, Philippe Casin, Moustapha Ba, Michel Benne et Camel Tanougast. Accurate determination of parameters relationship for photovoltaic power output by augmented dickey fuller test and engle granger method. AIMS Energy, 6, 1, pp. 19-48. AIMS Press, Jan 2018. 10.3934/energy.2018.1.19. #14
  • Fabrice K/bidi, Dominique Grondin, Cédric Damour, Mickaël Hilairet et Michel Benne. Energy Management System in Micro-Grid with Storage and Hydrogen Production. Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Washington D.C., United States, Oct 2018. #17
  • Yassine Gangat, Nicolas Coquillas, Dominique Grondin, Michel Benne, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et Taher Issoufaly. Simulation \& Emulation platform for smart grid technologies. Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications - ICCEREC. IEEE, Bandung, Indonesia, Dec 2018. #18
  • Etienne Dijoux, Nadia Yousfi Steiner, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Marie Cécile Péra. Active fault tolerant control (AFTC) applied on proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks. Yichang, China, Oct 2018. #21
  • Etienne Dijoux, Nadia Yousfi Steiner, Michel Benne, Marie Cécile Péra et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. Multiple combination strategies for a modular PEMFC System Active Fault Tolerant Control. GdR Hydrogène, Systèmes et Piles à Combustible 3652. Grenoble, France, May 2018. #24
  • Sébastien Boulevard, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, A Thomas, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, S Martemianov et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Optimisation d'une Pile A Combustible Réversible : A trois chambres nommée Q-URFC. Réunion Plénière Groupement de Recherche HySPàC UMR CNRS 7285. May 2018. #29
  • Y Poorun, Muhammed Zaid Dauhoo, miloud bessafi, M Elahee, A Gopaul et A Khoodaruth. The physical and qualitative analysis of fluctuations in air and vapour concentrations in a porous medium. Royal Society Open Science, 5, 5. The Royal Society, 2018. 10.1098/rsos.171954. #33
  • François Bonnardot, Hubert Quetelard, Guillaume Jumaux, MarieDominique Leroux et miloud bessafi. Probabilistic Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone Tracks and Intensities in the Southwest Indian Ocean Basin. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 145, 719, pp. 675-686. Wiley, Dec 2018. 10.1002/qj.3459. #34
  • miloud bessafi, Vishwamitra Oree, Abdel Khoodaruth, Guillaume Jumaux, François Bonnardot, Patrick Jeanty, Mathieu Delsaut, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et Muhammed Zaid Dauhoo. Downscaling solar irradiance using DEM-based model in young volcanic islands with rugged topography. Renewable Energy, 126, pp. 584-593. Elsevier, Mar 2018. 10.1016/j.renene.2018.03.071. #43
  • Kévin Lamy, Thierry Portafaix, Colette Brogniez, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, Hassan Bencherif, Béatrice Morel, Andrea Pazmino, Jean-Marc Metzger, Frédérique Auriol, Christine Deroo, Valentin Duflot, Philippe Goloub et CharlesN Long. Ultraviolet radiation modelling from ground-based and satellite measurements on Reunion Island, southern tropics. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 1, pp. 227-246. European Geosciences Union, 2018. 10.5194/acp-18-227-2018. #83
  • Pierre Gogendeau, Nour Mohammad Murad, Serge Bernard, Vincent Kerzérho, Laurent De Knyff et Sylvain Bonhommeau. Oversea Radio Measurements and Channel Characterization with LoRa Technology. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO 2018), pp. 1-2. IEEE, Wolmar, Mauritius, Oct 2018. 10.23919/RADIO.2018.8572461. #88
  • E Moreau, Jonathan Cazour et N Bénard. Influence of the air-exposed active electrode shape on the electrical, optical and mechanical characteristics of a surface dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator. Journal of Electrostatics, 93, pp. 146-153. Elsevier, Jun 2018. 10.1016/j.elstat.2018.04.005. #122
  • Edouard Rochefeuille, Frédéric Alicalapa, Alexandre Douyere et TP Vuong. Rectenna Design for RF Energy Harvesting using CMOS 350nm and FDSOI 28nm. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO). Le Cap, South Africa, Sep 2017. 10.23919/RADIO.2017.8242246. #1
  • Edouard Rochefeuille, Frédéric Alicalapa, Alexandre Douyere et TanPhu Vuong. FDSOI 28nm performances study for RF energy scavenging. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (IEEE RADIO 2017), pp. 012009. IOP, Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 2017. 10.1088/1757-899X/321/1/012009. #2
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Frédéric Alicalapa, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Economic Performance Optimization of a PV-BESS Power Generator: A Case Study La Reunion Island. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 8, 4, pp. 114-128. Scientific Research Publishing, 2017. 10.4236/sgre.2017.84008. #3
  • Jérôme Rivière, Alexandre Douyere, Jonathan Cazour, Frédéric Alicalapa et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Co-simulation of a complete rectenna with a circular slot loop antenna in CPW technology. Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean. Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 2017. 10.1088/1757-899X/198/1/012005. #4
  • Farid Aubras, Jonathan Deseure, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Michel Benne et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Low pressure PEMWE: two phase flow regimes vs electrochemical performances (PPT). Stuttgart, Germany, Jan 2017. #7
  • Farid Aubras, miloud bessafi, Jonathan Deseure, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Michel Benne et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Modèle analytique d'électrolyseurs PEM : approche adimensionnelle. Réunion Plénière, Groupement de Recherche HySPàC UMR CNRS 7285. May 2017. #9
  • Farid Aubras, J Deseure, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, I Dedigama, Jude Majasan, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et DJL Brett. Two-dimensional model of low-pressure PEM electrolyser: Two-phase flow regime, electrochemical modelling and experimental validation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, 42, pp. 26203-26216. Elsevier, Sep 2017. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.08.211. #12
  • Etienne Dijoux, Nadia Yousfi Steiner, Michel Benne, Marie Cécile Péra et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. A review of fault tolerant control strategies applied to proton exchange membrane fuel cell systems. Journal of Power Sources, 359, pp. 119-133. Elsevier, 2017. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.05.058. #23
  • Etienne Dijoux, Michel Benne, Nadia Yousfi Steiner, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Marie Cécile Péra. Active Fault Tolerant Control Strategy Applied to PEMFC Systems. 2017 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC). IEEE, Belfort, France, Dec 2017. 10.1109/VPPC.2017.8330967. #26
  • Yi Fang, Samir Jemei, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Daniel Hissel, Michel Benne, Jean-Pierre Chabriat, Rafael Gouriveau et Noureddine Zerhouni. Experimental investigation of performance degradation on an open cathode Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell stored at sub-zero temperatures. International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells. Stutgart, Germany, Jan 2017. #27
  • miloud bessafi, MR Lollchund, Jean-Pierre Chabriat, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Patrick Jeanty. Climatology in Mauritius 1983-2005: potential solar radiation modulation by Quasi-Biennial oscillation and El Niño-Southern oscillation. Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal, 11, 1, pp. 97-103. Inderscience, 2017. 10.1504/PIE.2017.086160. #37
  • Alexandre Douyere, Jérôme Rivière, Edouard Rochefeuille, JeanLou Dubard et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Etude du couplage et analyse des performances d'une rectenna PIFA à faibles niveaux de puissance. Assemblée Générale GDR Ondes. Oct 2017. #55
  • Jérôme Rivière, Alexandre Douyere, Shailendra Oree et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. A 2.45 GHz ISM Band CPW Rectenna for Low Power Levels. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 77, pp. 101-110. EMW Publishing, Aug 2017. 10.2528/PIERC17070401. #56
  • JM Lebreton, Nour Mohammad Murad et Richard Lorion. Impact of in-band interference on a wake-up radio system in wireless sensor networks. IOP Conference Series, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, pp. http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1757-899X. Penang, Malaysia, Nov 2017. 10.1088/1757-899X/198/1/012008. #71
  • Réhan Noordally, Yassine Gangat, Arnaud Ravoavahy, Pascal Anelli et Xavier Nicolay. How long delays impact TCP performance for a connectivity from Reunion Island?. Next Generation Computing Applications (NextComp), Next Generation Computing Applications (NextComp), 2017 1st International Conference on, pp. 103-108. IEEE, Pointe aux piments, Mauritius, Jul 2017. 10.1109/NEXTCOMP.2017.8016183. #84
  • Xavier Nicolay, Réhan Noordally, Pascal Anelli, Nour Mohammad Murad et Tahiry Razafindralambo. Where is My Next Hop ? The Case of Indian Ocean Islands. GIIS'17, Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium. Saint-Pierre de la Réunion, France, Oct 2017. #85
  • Chao Tang. Model estimations of possible climate changes of surface solar radiation at regional scales over Southern Africa and the South West Indian Ocean. Dec 2017. #87
  • Loic Guegan, Nour Mohammad Murad, JeanMickaël Lebreton et Sylvain Bonhommeau. Integrating Over Sea Radio Channel for Sea Turtles Localization in the Indian Ocean. IEEE RADIO 2017. Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 2017. #93
  • Nour Mohammad Murad, Loic Guegan et Sylvain Bonhommeau. Why satellite localization beacons are not adapted for marine turtles' study: a sea wireless sensors network solution. GIIS'17 - Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium. Saint Pierre, Réunion, Oct 2017. #95
  • Alexandre Douyere, Guy Pignolet, Jérôme Rivière, A Verrecchia, G Soulier et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Improved Performance of a Rectenna Array for Wireless Low Power Transportation. 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Adelaïde, Australia, Sep 2017. #113
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Yassine Gangat, D Payet et Mickaël Hilairet. Economic performance optimization of a hybrid PV-BESS power generator: a case study la Réunion island. International Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications. Belfort, France, Feb 2016. #16
  • Carole Latchoumaya, Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Passive Fault Tolerant Control of PEMFC air feeding system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41, pp. 15615-15621. Elsevier, Jul 2016. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.06.210. #22
  • Yi Fang, Daniel Hissel, Samir Jemei, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Jean-Pierre Chabriat, Rafael Gouriveau, Michel Benne et Noureddine Zerhouni. Experimental investigation of performance degradation on an open cathode Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell stored at sub-zero temperatures. Conference Internationale Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications. Nantes, France, Nov 2016. #28
  • Chao Tang, Béatrice Morel et miloud bessafi. Model estimations of possible climate changes of surface solar radiation at regional scales over the South West Indian Ocean. The International Conference on Regional Climate CORDEX 2016. May 2016. #31
  • Béatrice Morel, Patrick Jeanty, A Heintz, miloud bessafi, Christian Brouat, Ludovic Oddoz et Yannis Hoarau. A Suntracker at La Réunion Island for Monitoring Surface Solar Radiation under Tropical Maritime Climate Conditions: Towards a New BSRN Site?. 14th Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) Scientific Review and Workshop. Canberra, Australia, Apr 2016. #38
  • Yassine Gangat, Aymeric Duizabo, Rémy Courdier, Denis Payet, miloud bessafi et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Simulation de microgrids à l'aide d'un système multi-agents et de mesures de gisements solaires sur l'ile de La Réunion. Journées Francophones Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA'16) - Demonstration, pp. 247-248. Cepadues, Oct 2016. #41
  • Clémence Macron, Yves Richard, Thomas Garot, miloud bessafi, Benjamin Pohl, Adolphe Ratiarison et Andrianaharimanana Razafindrabe. Intraseasonal rainfall variability over Madagascar. Monthly Weather Review, 144, 5, pp. 1877-1885. American Meteorological Society, 2016. 10.1175/MWR-D-15-0077.1. #42
  • VanHieu Nguyen, JeanLou Dubard et Alexandre Douyere. Design of compact integrated diodes Pifa rectennas for energy harvesting application. Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), pp. 1-2. Reunion Island, France, Oct 2016. 10.1109/RADIO.2016.7771999. #49
  • Jérôme Rivière, Alexandre Douyere et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Design of a CPW fed circular slot loop antenna for RF/DC rectifier at low power level. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO 2016). Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, France, Oct 2016. 10.1109/RADIO.2016.7772000. #50
  • Raphaël Lagarde, Nils Teichert, Henri Grondin, Hélène Magalon, Agathe Pirog et Dominique Ponton. Temporal variability of larval drift of tropical amphidromous gobies along a watershed in Réunion Island. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74, 6, pp. 1-10. NRC Research Press, Jun 2016. 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0101. #57
  • Sylvain Cros, Maxime De Roubaix, Mathieu Turpin et Patrick Jeanty. Satellite-based solar irradiance assessment and forecasting in tropical insular areas. 16th EMS Annual Meeting & 11th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC) |. Trieste, Italy, Sep 2016. #59
  • Somasekhar Kandukuri, JeanMickaël Lebreton, Nour Mohammad Murad, Richard Lorion et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Energy- Efficient Cluster-Based Protocol using An Adaptive Data Aggregative Window Function (ADAWF) for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Seventeenth International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks. Coimbra, Portugal, Jun 2016. #62
  • Somasekhar Kandukuri, Nour Mohammad Murad et Richard Lorion. Cluster-Head Techniques for Single-hop Routing protocol in Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 120. IOP Publishing, 2016. 10.1088/1757-899X/120/1/012003. #70
  • J Lebreton, Nour Mohammad Murad et Richard Lorion. Radio Frequency Mapping using an Autonomous Robot: Application to the 2.4 GHz Band. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 120. IOP Publishing, Apr 2016. 10.1088/1757-899X/120/1/012001. #72
  • JeanMickaël Lebreton, Nour Mohammad Murad, Somasekhar Kandukuri et Richard Lorion. An Energy-Efficient Addressing Mechanism for Wake-up Radio Systems. IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2016). London, United Kingdom, Apr 2016. #74
  • JeanMickaël Lebreton, Somasekhar Kandukuri, Nour Mohammad Murad et Richard Lorion. An energy efficient duty-cycled wake-up radio protocol for avoiding overhearing in wireless sensor networks. Wireless Sensor Network, 08, 08, pp. 176-190. SCIRP, 2016. 10.4236/wsn.2016.88015. #75
  • JeanMickaël Lebreton, Denis Genon-Catalot, Nour Mohammad Murad et Richard Lorion. Système et protocole de télé-réveil appliqués aux réseaux de capteurs sans fils. GdR MACS, GT ARC (Automatique et Réseaux de Communication). Paris, France, Jun 2016. #76
  • Réhan Noordally, Xavier Nicolay, Pascal Anelli, Richard Lorion et PierreUgo Tournoux. Analysis of internet latency : the reunion island case. Asian Internet Engineering Conference, pp. 49-56. ACM, Bangkok, Thailand, Nov 2016. 10.1145/3012695.3012702. #77
  • Somasekhar Kandukuri, JeanMickaël Lebreton, Denis Genon-Catalot, Nour Mohammad Murad et Richard Lorion. Data Window Aggregation techniques for Energy Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks. ISCC 2016 - The twenty first IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. Messina, Italy, Jun 2016. #78
  • JeanMickaël Lebreton, Somasekhar Kandukuri, Nour Mohammad Murad, Richard Lorion et Denis Genon-Catalot. Interference Evaluation of WiFi Devices over Wake-up Radio in Wireless Sensor Networks. Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), 2016 IEEE. Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, Réunion, Oct 2016. 10.1109/RADIO.2016.7772034. #79
  • Benjamin Pohl, Béatrice Morel, Christelle Barthe et Olivier Bousquet. Regionalizing Rainfall at Very High Resolution over La Réunion Island: A Case Study for Tropical Cyclone Ando. Monthly Weather Review, 144, 11, pp. 4081-4099. American Meteorological Society, Nov 2016. 10.1175/MWR-D-15-0404.1. #80
  • Nathalie Philippon, B De Lapparent, Valery Gond, Geneviève Sèze, Nadège Martiny, Pierre Camberlin, Guillaume Cornu, Béatrice Morel, Vincent Moron, S Bigot, YaoTélesphore Brou et Vincent Dubreuil. Analysis of the diurnal cycles for a better understanding of the mean annual cycle of forests greenness in Central Africa. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 223, pp. 81-94. Elsevier Masson, Jun 2016. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.04.005. #81
  • Nathalie Philippon, B De Lapparent, V Gond, S Bigot, YaoTélesphore Brou, Pierre Camberlin, Guillaume Cornu, Vincent Dubreuil, Nadège Martiny, Béatrice Morel, M Moron et G Seze. Apport de l'analyse des cycles diurnes de nébulosité et de radiation solaire pour comprendre le cycle saisonnier moyen d'activité photosynthétique de la forêt en Afrique Centrale. 29ème Colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie, pp. 217-222. Association Internationale de Climatologie, Besan\c con, France, Jul 2016. #82
  • Somasekhar Kandukuri, Nour Mohammad Murad, Richard Lorion et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Energy-Efficient Data Aggregation Techniques for Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Correlations in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2016). London, United Kingdom, Apr 2016. #101
  • Jérôme Rivière, Alexandre Douyere, Frédéric Alicalapa et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. DC-pass filter design with notch filters superposition for CPW rectenna at low power level. IEEE RADIO 2015. Flic en Flac, Mauritius, Sep 2015. 10.1088/1757-899X/120/1/012008. #123
  • Jérôme Rivière, Alexandre Douyere, Frédéric Alicalapa et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. DC-Pass Filter Conception fo CPW Rectenna Design. 2015 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), pp. n.c.. Belle Mare, Mauritius, Sep 2015. #124
  • Eric Moreau, Nicolas Benard, Frédéric Alicalapa et Alexandre Douyere. Electrohydrodynamic force produced by a corona discharge between a~wire active electrode and several cylinder electrodes -- Application to~electric propulsion. Journal of Electrostatics, 76, pp. 194-200. Elsevier, 2015. 10.1016/j.elstat.2015.05.025. #125
  • J Armand, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan, Frédéric Alicalapa, Hassene Mnif, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, Mourad Loulou et RahmaHajtaieb Aloulou. Contour Graph Approach of Micropower Clock Generator Design for Energy Harvesting Charge Pump Circuits. Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 45, 1, pp. 87-97. Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2015. #131
  • ChrystelleHT Antilahy, Frédéric Alicalapa, Rivo Randriatsiferana, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan et Richard Lorion. Delay Radio-Trigger Mechanism in 4D wireless Sensor Networks. 2015 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), pp. n.c.. Belle Mare, Mauritius, Sep 2015. #132
  • RahmaHajtaieb Aloulou, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan, Hassene Mnif, Frédéric Alicalapa, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Mourad Loulou. A power management system for energy harvesting and wireless sensor networks application based on a novel charge pump circuit. International Journal of Electronics, pp. 1-12. Taylor \\& Francis, 2015. 10.1080/00207217.2015.1072848. #133
  • RahmaHajtaieb Aloulou, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan, J Armand, Hassene Mnif, Frédéric Alicalapa, Mourad Loulou et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Micropower Clock Generator Circuit Using an Optimized Band-Gap Reference for Energy Harvesting Charge Pumps. International review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), 10, 2, pp. 257. 2015. 10.15866/iree.v10i2.5132. #137
  • RahmaHajtaieb Aloulou, Hassene Mnif, Mourad Loulou, Frédéric Alicalapa et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Performances Analysis and Optimization of Micro Power Ring Oscillator for Energy Scavenging applications Using the Contour Graph Method. International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design, pp. n.c.. Istanbul, Turkey, Sep 2015. #138
  • Carole Latchoumaya, Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, C JOSSET, B Auvity et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. Online FTCS applied to PEMFC water management. 6th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells, pp. n.c.. Toulouse, France, Feb 2015. #142
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et BrunoG Pollet. A novel non-linear model-based control strategy to improve PEMFC water management -- The flatness-based approach. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40, 5, pp. 2371-2376. Elsevier, Jan 2015. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.12.052. #145
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, miloud bessafi, Daniel Hissel et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell fault diagnosis based on empirical mode decomposition. Journal of Power Sources, 299, pp. 596-603. Elsevier, Sep 2015. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.09.041. #152
  • Carole Latchoumaya, Michel Benne, Cédric Damour, Nadia Yousfi Steiner, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Daniel Hissel et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Fault Tolerant Control Strategy applied to PEMFC water management. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40, 33, pp. 10636-10646. Elsevier, 2015. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.06.115. #154
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, J Deseure, ChiuanChorng Tan, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Développement d'une Pile A Combustible Reversible (PAC-R) à trois chambres (Q-URFC). Réunion Plénière, Groupement de Recherche HySPàC UMR CNRS 7285. Oct 2015. #155
  • miloud bessafi, Vishwamitra Oree, Abdel Khoodaruth et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Mapping the incoming solar irradiance over Mauritius using time-series records of Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring. 3rd International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), 2015 IEEE 3rd International Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov 2015. #160
  • Li Qi, miloud bessafi, Jean-Pierre Chabriat, Olivier Delage et Peng Li. Intermittency study of global solar radiation on Reunion Island using Hilbert-Huang transform. 3rd Southern African Solar Energy Conference. Skukuza, South Africa, May 2015. #162
  • Marjorie Goujon Person, Olivier Delage, miloud bessafi, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et Patrick Jeanty. SOLAR ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ON THE EXPLOITATION OF THE SOLAR RESOURCE ON THE REUNION ISLAND AND ITS INTEGRATION INTO AN ELECTRICAL POWER GRID. Third Southern African Solar Energy Conference (SASEC 2015). Skukuza, South Africa, May 2015. #163
  • miloud bessafi, FranciscoDeAT De Carvalho, Philippe Charton, Mathieu Delsaut, Thierry Despeyroux, Patrick Jeanty, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, Yves Lechevallier, Henri Ralambondrainy et Lionel Trovalet. Clustering of Solar Irradiance. Data Science, Learning by Latent Structures, and Knowledge Discovery, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, pp. 43-53. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Oct 2015. 10.1007/978-3-662-44983-7\_4. #167
  • miloud bessafi, Olivier Delage, Patrick Jeanty, Alexis Heintz, JeanDaniel Cazal, Mathieu Delsaut, Yassine Gangat, Laurent Partal, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, Jean-Pierre Chabriat, M Brooks, A Matthews, J Pitot et P Govender. Research collaboration in solar radiometry between the university of reunion island and the university of Kwazulu-natal. SASEC2015. Kruger National Park, South Africa, May 2015. #169
  • A Heintz, JeanDaniel Cazal, Christian Brouat, Yannis Hoarau, Patrick Jeanty, miloud bessafi, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Technical design and characterization of a ground based solar metrology network on Reunion Island. 3rd Southern African Solar Energy Conference. Skukuza, South Africa, May 2015. #170
  • Alexandre Douyere, Jérôme Rivière, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Wireless Low Power Transmission by microwaves in ISM Band. ISNPEDADM. Saint-Gilles, Réunion, Oct 2015. #189
  • Jérôme Rivière, Alexandre Douyere et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Analyse des performances d'un réseau de rectennas miniatures pour la télé-alimentation de dispositifs à faible consommation. XIXèmes Journées Nationales Microondes 3-4-5 Juin 2015 - Bordeaux. Bordeaux, France, 2015. #262
  • Nicolas Fontaine, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Frédéric Cadet et Bernard Offmann. Modeling of a Cell-Free Synthetic System for Biohydrogen Production. Journal of Computer Science \& Systems Biology, 8, 3, pp. 132-139. OMICS International, 2015. 10.4172/jcsb.1000181. #269
  • JeanMickaël Lebreton et Nour Mohammad Murad. Implementation of a Wake-up Radio Cross-Layer Protocol in OMNeT++/MiXiM. OMNeT++ Community Summit 2015 (Successor of the International Workshop on OMNeT++). Zurich, Switzerland, 2015. #339
  • Somasekhar Kandukuri, Nour Mohammad Murad et Richard Lorion. A single-hop clustering and energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks. 2015 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean 2015 (IEEE RADIO 2015), pp. n.c.. Belle Mare, Mauritius, Sep 2015. #340
  • JeanMickaël Lebreton, Nour Mohammad Murad et Richard Lorion. Real-Time Radio Signal Mapping using an Autonomous Robot. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean. Port Louis, Mauritius, 2015. #341
  • Carole Latchoumaya. Contrôle tolérant aux fautes en ligne d'une pile à combustible de type PEM. Contribution à la gestion de l'eau. 2015. #370
  • Eric Moreau, Nicolas Benard, Frédéric Alicalapa et Alexandre Douyere. Electrohydrodynamic force produced by a corona discharge between a~wire active electrode and several cylinder electrodes -- Application to~electric propulsion. 2014 International Symposium on Electrohydrodynamics. Okinawa, Japan, Jun 2014. #126
  • RahmaHajtaieb Aloulou, Pierre-Olivier Lucas de Peslouan, J Armand, Hassene Mnif, Frédéric Alicalapa, Mourad Loulou et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Improved circuit model of photovoltaic cell for energy harvesting application. 2014 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), pp. 548-552. Beyrouth, Lebanon, Apr 2014. 10.1109/MELCON.2014.6820594. #134
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Neural Model-Based Self-Tuning PID Strategy Applied to PEMFC. Engineering, 06, 04, pp. 159-168. 2014. 10.4236/eng.2014.64019. #140
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Auto-tuning PID strategy applied to PEMFC. IDHEA - International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications. Nantes, France, May 2014. #141
  • Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Sébastien Roche, Carole Latchoumaya, Michel Benne, Cédric Damour et Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo. Mechanistic Model versus Artificial Neural Network Model of a Single-Cell PEMFC. Engineering, 06, 08, pp. 418-426. 2014. 10.4236/eng.2014.68044. #143
  • ChiuanChorng Tan, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Jonathan Deseure, Michel Benne et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Material development and experimental work on the new concept of the three chamber regenerative fuel cell (PEM-RFC). 2014 CARISMA Conferences, pp. n.c.. Cape Town, South Africa, Dec 2014. #144
  • Carole Latchoumaya, Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Méthode en ligne de détection, isolation et recouvrement de fautes appliquée à la PEMFC. GdR HysPàC - Groupe de Recherche Hydrogène, Systèmes et Piles à Combustible. Poitiers, France, Nov 2014. #146
  • Carole Latchoumaya, Sébastien Roche, Michel Benne, Cédric Damour, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo. Mechanistic description versus systemic modelling of PEMFC. IDHEA - International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications. Nantes, France, May 2014. #147
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Jonathan Deseure et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. On-Line PEMFC Control Using Parameterized Nonlinear Model-Based Predictive Control. Fuel Cells, 14, 6, pp. 886-893. 2014. 10.1002/fuce.201400080. #148
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Carole Latchoumaya, Jonathan Deseure et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. Real-time implementation of a neural model-based self-tuning PID strategy for oxygen stoichiometry control in PEM fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39, 24, pp. 12819-12825. Elsevier, 2014. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.06.039. #149
  • Peng Li, Béatrice Morel, F Solmon, Benjamin Pohl et miloud bessafi. Estimation du rayonnement solaire dans le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien et a la Réunion : modélisation régionale du climat. 27ème Colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie, pp. 501-506. Association Internationale de Climatologie, Dijon, France, Jul 2014. #157
  • Clémence Macron, Benjamin Pohl, Yves Richard et miloud bessafi. How do tropical temperate troughs form and develop over southern Africa?. Journal of Climate, 27, 4, pp. 1633-1647. American Meteorological Society, Feb 2014. 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00175.1. #159
  • Jonathan Deseure, J Aicart, ChiuanChorng Tan, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et Yann Bultel. Simulation 2D de l'électrolyse VHT et l'électrolyse PEM : Stratégie de minimisation des gradients proche de l'interconnecteur. GdR HysPàC - Groupe de Recherche Hydrogène, Systèmes et Piles à Combustible. Poitiers, France, Nov 2014. #179
  • ChiuanChorng Tan, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Jonathan Deseure et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Three chamber-regenerative fuel cell (PEMFC) for solar photovoltaic (PV) hydrogen system. IDHEA - International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications. Nantes, France, May 2014. #184
  • Eric Moreau, Nicolas Benard, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Thrust produced by corona discharge - Application to electrohydrodynamic propulsion. 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, pp. n.c.. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Harbor, United States, Jan 2014. #187
  • Henri Ralambondrainy, Yves Lechevallier, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Clustering and solar radiance prediction. ECDA'14 European Conference on Data Analysis. Br\^eme, Germany, Jul 2014. #188
  • Béatrice Morel, Benjamin Pohl, Yves Richard, Benjamin Bois et miloud bessafi. Regionalizing rainfall at very high resolution over la Réunion island using a regional climate model. Monthly Weather Review, 142, 8, pp. 2665-2686. American Meteorological Society, Aug 2014. 10.1175/MWR-D-14-00009.1. #198
  • Jérôme Rivière, Alexandre Douyere et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Impact of the coupling effect and the DC-combining configuration on a compact rectenna array. Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean, Materials Science and Engineering. Flic en Flac, Mauritius, 2014. 10.1088/1757-899X/67/1/012009. #259
  • Jérôme Rivière, Alexandre Douyere et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Design and performance analysis of a small rectenna array for low wireless energy harvesting. RADIO'2014 Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean. Flic-en-Flac, Mauritius, 2014. #261
  • Walid Haboubi, Hakim Takhedmit, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, SalahEddine Adami, Bruno ALLARD, François Costa, Christian Vollaire, Odile Picon et Laurent Cirio. An Efficient Dual-Circularly Polarized Rectenna for RF Energy Harvesting in The 2.45 GHZ ISM Band. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 148, pp. 31-39. EMW Publishing, Jun 2014. 10.2528/PIER14031103. #305
  • Alexandre Douyere, Samuel Emilien Rivière, Jérôme Rivière, Frédéric Alicalapa et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Conception et réalisation d'un convertisseur RF/DC dédié à la collecte de faibles niveaux de puissance. Journées Nationales Microondes. Paris, France, May 2013. #127
  • Rivo Randriatsiferana, Richard Lorion, Frédéric Alicalapa et Fanilo Harivelo. Energy-efficient clustering algorithm based on energy variance for Wireless Sensor Networks. The 4th International Conference on SmArt COmmunications in NEtwork Technologies (SACONET 2013), pp. 1-5. Paris, France, Jun 2013. 10.1109/SaCoNeT.2013.6654571. #130
  • Rivo Randriatsiferana, Frédéric Alicalapa, Richard Lorion et AM Mohammed. A clustering algorithm based on energy variance and coverage density in centralized hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks. AFRICON, 2013, pp. 1-5. Pointe-Aux-Piments, Mauritius, Sep 2013. 10.1109/AFRCON.2013.6757627. #135
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Commande prédictive rapide d'une pile de type PEM. GdR PACS - Groupe de Recherche Piles à Combustible, Systèmes. La Grande Motte, France, May 2013. #139
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, S Rosini et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. Fast NMPC scheme of a 10~kW commercial PEMFC. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38, 18, pp. 7407-7413. Elsevier, 2013. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.04.019. #150
  • Peng Li, Béatrice Morel, miloud bessafi, Fabien Solmon et Marc Chiacchio. The radiation budget in the regional climate model RegCM4: simulation results from two different radiative schemes over the south-western Indian Ocean. EGU General Assembly 2013, pp. EGU2013--723. Vienne, Austria, Apr 2013. #161
  • Tinihau Meuel, YongLiang Xiong, Patrick Fischer, CharlesHenri Bruneau, miloud bessafi et Hamid Kellay. Intensity of vortices: from soap bubbles to hurricanes. Scientific Reports, 3, pp. 3455 (1-7). Nature Publishing Group, Dec 2013. 10.1038/srep03455. #166
  • Patrick Jeanty, Mathieu Delsaut, Lionel Trovalet, Henri Ralambondrainy, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, miloud bessafi, Philippe Charton et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Clustering daily solar radiation from reunion island using data analysis methods. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ'13), pp. n.c.. Bilbao, Spain, Mar 2013. #168
  • David Latchoumaya, S Poschenrieder, Cédric Damour, Patrick Jeanty, Alain Shum Cheong Sing et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Influence of the impurities on the sucrose crystal growth on a crystallization pilot pan. XXVIII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Congress, pp. n.c.. Jun 2013. #180
  • Eric Moreau, Nicolas Benard, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Electrohydrodynamic force produced by a wire-to-cylinder dc corona discharge in air at atmospheric pressure. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46, 47. IOP Publishing, Nov 2013. 10.1088/0022-3727/46/47/475204. #183
  • ChiuanChorng Tan, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Jonathan Deseure et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. A New Concept of Regenerative Fuel Cell. Fundamentals \& Development of Fuel Cells FDFC2013. Karlsruhe, Germany, Apr 2013. #185
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Sergueï Martemianov et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Estimation of MEA parameters and prediction of PEM fuel cells electrical performances using numerical modelling. Elektrokhimiya / Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 49, 4, pp. 313-323. MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, 2013. 10.1134/S1023193513040083. #193
  • Oualid Makhlouf, ThiQuynhVan Hoang, Eric Séguenot, Alexandre Douyere, JeanLou Dubard et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Caractérisation complète d'une rectenna miniaturisée. 18èmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM), pp. J3-AP-P7.pdf. Paris, France, May 2013. #257
  • SalahEddine Adami, Nicolas Degrenne, Walid Haboubi, Hakim Takhedmit, Denis Labrousse, François Costa, Bruno ALLARD, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, Laurent Cirio, Odile Picon et Christian Vollaire. Ultra-Low Power, Low Voltage, Self-Powered Resonant DC-DC Converter for Energy Harvesting. Journal of Low Power Electronics, 9, 1, pp. 103-117. American Scientific Publishers, Apr 2013. 10.1166/jolpe.2013.1245. #303
  • Zied Saddi, Walid Haboubi, Hakim Takhedmit, SalahEddine Adami, Odile Picon, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, François Costa, Bruno ALLARD, Christian Vollaire et Laurent Cirio. Rectenna à faible niveau de puissance pour la récupération et la conversion d'énergie électromagnétique à 1.8 et 2.45 GHz. 18èmes Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2013, pp. 4. Paris, France, May 2013. #304
  • Hakim Takhedmit, Laurent Cirio, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Odile Picon. Modèle électrique équivalent dédié à l'estimation d'associations série et parallèle de circuits rectennas à 2.45 GHz. 18èmes Journées Nationales Microondes. Paris, France, May 2013. #309
  • Hakim Takhedmit, Laurent Cirio, Z Saddi, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Odile Picon. A novel dual-frequency rectifier based on a 180\textdegree hybrid junction for RF energy harvesting. 2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), pp. 2472--2475. Göteborg, Sweden, 2013. #310
  • Hakim Takhedmit, Laurent Cirio, Zied Saddi, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Odile Picon. A Novel Dual-Frequency Rectifier based on a 1800 Hybrid Junction for RF Energy Harvesting. 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP). Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr 2013. #312
  • Jérôme Rivière, Alexandre Douyere et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Etude expérimentale d'un réseau de rectennas compactes en configuration série ou parallèle. Assemblée générale: ''interférences d'ondes'' (GDR). Aug 2013. #337
  • Alexandre Douyere, Frédéric Alicalapa, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Samuel Emilien Rivière. Experimental study of rectenna coupling at low power level. Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean, Materials Science and Engineering. Flic en Flac, Mauritius, Sep 2012. 10.1088/1757-899X/44/1/012008. #128
  • Rivo Randriatsiferana, Richard Lorion, Frédéric Alicalapa et Fanilo Harivelo. Forwarding and Routing Stateless Multi-Hop Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. The 11th International Conference on Networks (ICN 2012), Reunion Island, pp. n.c.. Feb 2012. #129
  • Frédéric Alicalapa, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, RahmaHajtaieb Aloulou, Hassene Mnif et Mourad Loulou. PSO-based charge pump chip area minimization. 2012 International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), pp. 133-136. Séville, Spain, Sep 2012. 10.1109/SMACD.2012.6339435. #136
  • Cédric Damour, Dominique Grondin, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Jonathan Deseure et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Innovative model-based control approach of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell system. Journal of Power Sources, 206, pp. 144-152. Elsevier, 2012. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2012.01.096. #151
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Lionel Boillereaux, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Energy Efficiency Improvement of an Industrial Crystallization Process Using Linearizing Control. Journal of Crystallization Process and Technology, 02, 02, pp. 44-54. 2012. 10.4236/jcpt.2012.22007. #153
  • Tinihau Meuel, Gaël Prado, Hamid Kellay, Fanny Seychelles et miloud bessafi. Hurricane track forecast cones from fluctuations. Scientific Reports, 2, 1, pp. 446. Nature Publishing Group, 2012. 10.1038/srep00446. #156
  • Christophe Hoareau, Philippe Keckhut, JeanLuc Baray, Laurent Robert, Yann Courcoux, Jacques Porteneuve, H Vömel et Béatrice Morel. A Raman lidar at La Reunion (20.8\textdegree S, 55.5\textdegree E) for monitoring water vapor and cirrus distributions in the subtropical upper troposphere: preliminary analyses and description of a future system. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 6, pp. 1333-1348. European Geosciences Union, 2012. 10.5194/amt-5-1333-2012. #196
  • miloud bessafi, Béatrice Morel, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, Jean-Pierre Chabriat et Patrick Jeanty. A Method for Mapping Monthly Solar Irradiation Over Complex Areas of Topography: Réunion Island's Case Study. ICTTRE 2012 International Conference on Technology Transfer and Renewable Energy, Climate Change Management, pp. 295-306. Springer, Unknown, Mauritius, Jun 2012. 10.1007/978-3-642-37753-2\_22. #197
  • Cédric Damour, M Hamdi, C JOSSET, B Auvity et Lionel Boillereaux. Energy analysis and optimization of a food defrosting system. Energy, 37, 1, pp. 562-570. Elsevier, 2012. 10.1016/j.energy.2011.10.048. #256
  • Hakim Takhedmit, Laurent Cirio, Odile Picon et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. An accurate linear electrical model applied to a series and parallel 2.45 GHz dual-diode rectenna array. 2012 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), pp. 2510-2513. Prague, Czech Republic, Mar 2012. 10.1109/EuCAP.2012.6206224. #311
  • B Panigrahi, S De, BS Panda et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Network lifetime maximising distributed forwarding strategies in ad hoc wireless sensor networks. IET Communications, 6, 14, pp. 2138-2148. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2012. 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0784. #313
  • RahmaHajtaieb Aloulou, Hassene Mnif, Frédéric Alicalapa et Mourad Loulou. An improved MOS charge pump circuit for low voltage operations and wireless sensor applications. 2011 International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), pp. 1-4. Hammamet, Tunisia, Dec 2011. 10.1109/ICM.2011.6177360. #221
  • Samuel Emilien Rivière, Alexandre Douyere, Frédéric Alicalapa et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Synthèse d'un module énergétique en vue d'alimenter à distance des dispositifs électroniques. Journées Nationales Microondes. Brest, France, May 2011. #222
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Lionel Boillereaux, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Multivariable linearizing control of an industrial sugar crystallization process. Journal of Process Control, 21, 1, pp. 46-54. Elsevier, 2011. 10.1016/j.jprocont.2010.10.002. #236
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Systèmes couples PV-électrolyseurs PEMPEMFC : Optimisation des flux de matière et d'énergie par des algorithmes prédictifs. GdR PACS - Groupe de Recherche Piles à Combustible, Systèmes. Nantes, France, Jun 2011. #237
  • TQV Hoang, Alexandre Douyere, JeanLou Dubard et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. TLM design of a compact PIFA rectenna. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), pp. 508-511. Torino, Italy, Sep 2011. #258
  • Fabian Muniesa, Dominique Chabert, Marceline Ducrocq-Grondin et SusanV Scott. Back-office intricacy: the description of financial objects in an investment bank. Industrial and Corporate Change, 20, 4, pp. 1189-1213. Oxford University Press (OUP), 2011. 10.1093/icc/dtr020. #267
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, Jonathan Deseure, Laurent Labatut et Laurent Dessemond. Modelling of symmetric solid oxide cell to operate in steam electrolysis mode. Fundamentals \& Development of Fuel Cells FDFC2011, pp. n.c.. Grenoble, France, Jan 2011. #291
  • U Jaya Prakash Raju, Philippe Keckhut, Yann Courcoux, Marion Marchand, Slimane Bekki, Béatrice Morel, Hassan Bencherif et Alain Hauchecorne. Nocturnal temperature changes over Tropics during CAWSES -III campaign: Comparison with numerical models and satellite data. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 72, 16, pp. 1171-1179. Elsevier, 2010. 10.1016/j.jastp.2010.07.013. #200
  • Samuel Emilien Rivière, Frédéric Alicalapa, Alexandre Douyere et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. A compact rectenna device at low power level. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 16, pp. 137-146. EMW Publishing, 2010. 10.2528/PIERC10071604. #216
  • Samuel Emilien Rivière, Alexandre Douyere, Frédéric Alicalapa et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Study of complete WPT system for WSN applications at low power level. Electronics Letters, 46, 8, pp. 597. IET, 2010. 10.1049/el.2010.3063. #217
  • Lionel Boillereaux, Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Monitoring and Sensor Fault Detection via Observers for C-Grade Cane Sugar Crystallization. FOODSIM'2010. Bracanga, Portugal, Jun 2010. #223
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Lionel Boillereaux, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. NMPC of an industrial crystallization process using model-based observers. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16, 5, pp. 708-716. Elsevier, 2010. 10.1016/j.jiec.2010.07.014. #224
  • Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Sébastien Beyou, Michel Benne, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. A neural model-based auto-tuning PID strategy to improve an industrial sugar crystallization process control. FOODSIM'2010. Bracanga, Portugal, Jun 2010. #226
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Nonlinear predictive control based on artificial neural network model for industrial crystallization. Journal of Food Engineering, 99, 2, pp. 225-231. Elsevier, 2010. 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2010.02.027. #229
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Soft-sensor for industrial sugar crystallization: On-line mass of crystals, concentration and purity measurement. Control Engineering Practice, 18, 8, pp. 839-844. Elsevier, 2010. 10.1016/j.conengprac.2010.03.005. #230
  • Dominique Grondin, Jonathan Deseure, Annabelle Brisse, Mohsine Zahid et Patrick Ozil. Simulation of a high temperature electrolyzer. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 40, 5, pp. 933-941. Springer Verlag, 2010. 10.1007/s10800-009-0030-0. #268
  • Christophe Martin, Xiaoxing Liu, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo et Didier Bouvard. Discrete Element Simulation: An Efficient Tool for Optimizing Powder Processes from the Sintering Stage to the Final Properties. TMS 2010. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society/AIME, Seattle, United States, Feb 2010. #289
  • B Panigrahi, S De, BS Panda et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. Energy-Efficient Greedy Forwarding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring), 2010 IEEE 71st, pp. 1-5. Taipei, Unknown Region, May 2010. 10.1109/VETECS.2010.5494228. #326
  • Nadège Montoux, Alain Hauchecorne, JeanPierre Pommereau, Franck Lefèvre, Georges Durry, RL Jones, Alexei Rozanov, Sandip Dhomse, JohnP Burrows, Béatrice Morel et Hassan Bencherif. Evaluation of balloon and satellite water vapour measurements in the Southern tropical and subtropical UTLS during the HIBISCUS campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 14, pp. 5299-5319. European Geosciences Union, 2009. 10.5194/acp-9-5299-2009. #199
  • Samuel Emilien Rivière, Frédéric Alicalapa, Alexandre Douyere, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Brigitte Grondin-Perez. An integrated model of a wireless power transportation for RFID and WSN applications. 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, 2009. ICECS 2009, pp. 235-238. Hammamet, Tunisia, Dec 2009. 10.1109/ICECS.2009.5410983. #220
  • Sébastien Beyou, Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Michel Benne, Cédric Damour et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Control improvement of a C sugar cane crystallization using an auto tuning PID controller based on linearization of a neural network. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2009, pp. 1646-1651. Le Caire, Egypt, Sep 2009. #225
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Model based Soft-Sensor for Industrial Crystallization: On-line Mass of Crystals and Solubility Measurement. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 54, pp. 196-200. 2009. #228
  • Cédric Damour, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Soft-sensor for on-line mass of crystals measurement: application to cane sugar crystallization. Industrial Simulation Conference 2009. Loughborough, United Kingdom, Jun 2009. #231
  • Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Michel Benne, Cédric Damour et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. On-line estimation of mother liquor purity during the final stage of a cane sugar crystallization plant using neural network model. International Sugar Journal, 111, 1332, pp. 751--754, 756. 2009. #232
  • Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Sébastien Beyou, Michel Benne et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Non-linear PID control strategy using NN to improve the control of industrial sucrose crystallization. XXIIe congrès de la société Fran\c caise de Génie Procédés, pp. n.c.. Marseille, France, Oct 2009. #233
  • JP Garnier, JP Maye, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo et S Martemianov. Détermination des propriétés thermiques de liquides électroconducteurs et corrosifs -- Appareillage de mesure et méthodes spécifiques. 14èmes Journées Internationales de Thermique. Djerba, Tunisia, Mar 2009. #286
  • Sergueï Martemianov, Daniil Bograchev, JeanClaude GRANDIDIER et Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo. Thermo-mechanical phenomena in PEM fuel cells. International Journal of Energy Research, 34, 7, pp. 635--642. Wiley, 2009. 10.1002/er.1577. #287
  • B Panigrahi, S De et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. A greedy minimum energy consumption forwarding protocol for wireless sensor networks. Communication Systems and Networks and Workshops, 2009. COMSNETS 2009. First International, pp. 1-6. Bangalore, India, Jan 2009. 10.1109/COMSNETS.2009.4808838. #331
  • Alexander Haefele, K Hocke, N Kämpfer, Philippe Keckhut, Marion Marchand, Slimane Bekki, Béatrice Morel, T Egorova et E Rozanov. Diurnal changes in middle atmospheric H2O and O3: Observations in the Alpine region and climate models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 113, D17, pp. D17303. American Geophysical Union, 2008. 10.1029/2008JD009892. #202
  • Alexandre Douyere, Frédéric Alicalapa, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Alain Celeste. Losses analysis and performance improvement of a rectenna for RFID systems. 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2008. ICECS 2008, pp. 1083-1086. St. Julian s, Malta, Aug 2008. 10.1109/ICECS.2008.4675045. #218
  • Alexandre Douyere, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk et Frédéric Alicalapa. High efficiency microwave rectenna circuit: modelling and design. Electronics Letters, 44, 24, pp. 1409-1410. IET, 2008. 10.1049/el:20081794. #219
  • Cédric Damour, Patrick Jeanty, Yannis Hoarau, Michel Benne, Brigitte Grondin-Perez et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. A pilot plant developed in house for yield and quality increasing of sugar crystallization. Process Workshop ISSCT. Oct 2008. #227
  • F Seychelles, Y Amarouchene, miloud bessafi et H Kellay. Thermal convection and emergence of isolated vortices in soap bubbles. Physical Review Letters, 100, 14, pp. 4. American Physical Society, 2008. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.144501. #238
  • Alexandre Douyere. Méthodologie de synthèse et d'optimisation de radiopile bornée à un domaine de fonctionnement. Apr 2008. #263
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, JP Garnier, JP Maye, Sergueï Martemianov et J Saillard. Quasi-simultaneous measurements of the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of liquids with transient short-hot-wire methods and small liquid. European Conference on Thermophysical Properties. Pau, France, 2008. #284
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, JP Maye, J Saillard, G Thévenod, JP Garnier et Sergueï Martemianov. Mesures quasi-simultanées de la conductivité et de la diffusivité thermiques de liquides énergétiques par la technique du fil chaud en régime transitoire. Congrès Fran\c cais de Thermique. Toulouse, France, 2008. #285
  • L Madier, C Coutanceau, JP Garnier, JeanClaude GRANDIDIER, E Favry, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, JP Maye et Sergueï Martemianov. Perturbations des performances des PAC et modélisation thermomécanique. Réunion du GDR n\textdegree2985 ''PACEM'', pp. 10. Balaruc-Les-Bains, France, 2007. #282
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, P Brault, A Caillard, C Coutanceau, JP Garnier et S Martemianov. Improvement of proton exchange membrane fuel cell electrical performance by optimization of operating parameters and electrodes preparation. Journal of Power Sources, 172, 2, pp. 613-622. Elsevier, Oct 2007. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2007.05.019. #283
  • JeanLuc Baray, Jean Leveau, Serge Baldy, Jean Jouzel, Philippe Keckhut, Gilles Bergametti, Gérard Ancellet, Hassan Bencherif, Bertrand Cadet, M Carleer, Christine David, M De Mazière, Denis Faduilhe, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, Philippe Goloub, Florence Goutail, Jean-Marc Metzger, Béatrice Morel, JeanPierre Pommereau, Jacques Porteneuve, Thierry Portafaix, Françoise Posny, Laurent Robert et M Van Roozendael. An instrumented station for the survey of ozone and climate change in the southern tropics. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8, pp. 1020-1028. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2006. 10.1039/b607762e. #203
  • N Semane, Hassan Bencherif, Béatrice Morel, Alain Hauchecorne et RD Diab. An unusual stratospheric ozone decrease in the Southern Hemisphere subtropics linked to isentropic air-mass transport as observed over Irene (25.5\textdegree S, 28.1\textdegree E) in mid-May 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 7, pp. 1936. European Geosciences Union, Jun 2006. #205
  • Hassan Bencherif, RD Diab, Thierry Portafaix, Béatrice Morel, Philippe Keckhut et Ashokabose Moorgawa. Temperature climatology and trend estimates in the UTLS region as observed over a southern subtropical site, Durban, South Africa. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 12, pp. 5121-5128. European Geosciences Union, Nov 2006. 10.5194/acp-6-5121-2006. #206
  • N Semane, Hassan Bencherif, Béatrice Morel, Alain Hauchecorne et RD Diab. An unusual stratospheric ozone decrease in the Southern Hemisphere subtropics linked to isentropic air-mass transport as observed over Irene (25.5 S, 28.1 E) in mid-May 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, pp. 1927-1936. European Geosciences Union, 2006. 10.5194/acp-6-1927-2006. #207
  • Alexandre Douyere, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, Alain Celeste et Frédéric Alicalapa. Equivalent circuit modelling of a point to point wireless power transmission system. First European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Antennas and Propagation. Nice, France, Nov 2006. 10.1109/EUCAP.2006.4584683. #214
  • Alexandre Douyere, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, Alain Celeste et Frédéric Alicalapa. Broadband Modelling of a High Efficiency Rectenna for Batteryless RFID Systems. 2006 13th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Published in: Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2006. ICECS '06.. Nice, France, Dec 2006. 10.1109/ICECS.2006.379878. #215
  • Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Michel Benne et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Supervision of C crystallisation in Bois Rouge sugar mill using on-line crystal content estimation using synchronous microwave and refractometric brix measurements. Journal of Food Engineering, 76, 4, pp. 639-645. Elsevier, 2006. 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2005.06.014. #235
  • Alexandre Douyere, Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk, Alain Celeste et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Modelling and simulation of a complete system of energy transmission. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 2006, pp. 811-814. Albuquerque, NM, United States, Nov 2006. 10.1109/APS.2006.1710651. #265
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, A Caillard, P Brault, C Coutanceau, JP Garnier, Sergueï Martemianov et JP Maye. Optimisation des performances de PEMFC -- Influence des composants et modes d'assemblages. Congrès Fran\c cais de Thermique. \^Ile de Ré, France, 2006. #271
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, S Grigoriev, VN Fateev, JP Garnier, Sergueï Martemianov et JP Maye. Optimisation of PEM fuel cell components using mathematical modelling and experimental studies. 16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, pp. 142. Lyon, France, 2006. #272
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, JP Garnier, JP Maye, F Relot et Sergueï Martemianov. Performance and instabilities of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Elektrokhimiya / Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 42, 5, pp. 467--475. MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, 2006. 10.1134/S1023193506050041. #273
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, JP Garnier, L Madier, Sergueï Martemianov et JP Maye. Optimisation des performances électriques et modélisation des piles a combustible de type PEMFC. Réunion du GDR n\textdegree2985 ''PACEM''. Poitiers, France, 2006. #279
  • N Semane, Hassan Bencherif, Béatrice Morel, Alain Hauchecorne et RD Diab. An unusual stratospheric ozone decrease linked to isentropic air-mass transport as observed over Irene (25.5\textdegree S, 28.1\textdegree E) in mid-May 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 5, 6, pp. 12617-12639. European Geosciences Union, Dec 2005. #210
  • Béatrice Morel, Hassan Bencherif, Philippe Keckhut, Thierry Portafaix, Alain Hauchecorne et Serge Baldy. Fine-scale study of a thick stratospheric ozone lamina at the edge of the southern subtropical barrier: 2. Numerical simulations with coupled dynamics models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 110, 17, pp. D17101. American Geophysical Union, 2005. 10.1029/2004JD005737. #213
  • Brigitte Grondin-Perez, Michel Benne, Christelle Bonnecaze et Jean-Pierre Chabriat. Industrial multi-step forward predictor of mother liquor purity of the final stage of a cane sugar crystallisation plant. Journal of Food Engineering, 66, 3, pp. 361-367. Elsevier, 2005. 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2004.04.002. #234
  • Alexandre Douyere, F Boyer, Alain Celeste, C DESCHARLES et Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk. NON LINEAR SCHOTTKY DIODE CHARACTERIZATION USED IN A HIGH EFFICIENCY RECTENNA DESIGN METHODOLOGY. International Astronautical Conference (IAC). Fukukoa, Japan, Nov 2005. #264
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, JP Garnier, JP Maye, Sergueï Martemianov, C Coutanceau, YuK Evdokimov, AN Fomin, EI Lavinskaya, S Grigoriev et VN Fateev. PEM FUEL CELL Study by multidisciplinary approch. Minsk International conferences on Physics Waves, Combustion, Explosion, Detonation and Non-Equilibrium Flows, pp. 117. Minsk, Belarus, 2005. #270
  • Sergueï Martemianov, JP Maye, JP Garnier, P Lagonotte, Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo et F Relot. Ma\^itrise de l'assemblage et gestion de l'eau et de la chaleur dans le coeur des PEMFC. Réunion du GDR N\textdegree2479 ''PACEM''. La Rochelle, France, 2005. #277
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, F Relot, JP Garnier, Sergueï Martemianov et JP Maye. Assemblage et diagnostic (CC-CA) de mono-cellules et de stacks de types PEMFC. Colloque international : les nouvelles technologies de l'énergie. Tours, France, 2005. #278
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, P Lagonotte et Sergueï Martemianov. Mise en oeuvre d'un banc d'essai expérimentale pour l'acquisition des paramètres d'une pile à combustible de type ''PEM''. Colloque ''Electrotechnique du Futur''. Grenoble, France, 2005. #281
  • Venkataraman Sivakumar, Béatrice Morel, Hassan Bencherif, JeanLuc Baray, Serge Baldy, Alain Hauchecorne et PB Rao. Rayleigh lidar observation of a warm stratopause over a tropical site, Gadanki (13.5\textdegree N; 79.2\textdegree E). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4, 7, pp. 1989-1996. European Geosciences Union, Oct 2004. 10.5194/acp-4-1989-2004. #212
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, JP Garnier, Sergueï Martemianov, JP Maye, C Coutanceau et S Grigoriev. Étude paramétrique expérimentale des performances électriques de piles à combustible de type PEM. Congrès Fran\c cais de Thermique '' Transferts en Milieux Hétérogènes '', pp. 927--932. Presqu \^ile de Giens, France, 2004. #274
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, JP Garnier, Sergueï Martemianov, JP Maye, S Grigoriev et C Coutanceau. Experimental investigation of current -- voltage characteristics of P.E.M. fuel cells into different temperature and hydraulic. COST F2 Concluding Symposium ''Electrochemical Flow Measurements'', pp. 32. Poitiers, France, 2004. #275
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, JP Garnier, Sergueï Martemianov, JP Maye, S Grigoriev et C Coutanceau. Étude expérimentale de performances électriques d'une mono-cellule de type PEMFC. Journées d'Action concertée du CNRS ''Energie''. Toulouse, France, 2004. #276
  • Jean-Jacques Amangoua Kadjo, P Lagonotte et Sergueï Martemianov. Détermination de modèles électriques de pile à combustible de type PEM à partir de la mesure d'impédance. 2ème Congrès Européen Alternatives Energétiques dans l'automobile. Poitiers, France, 2004. #280
  • Hassan Bencherif, Thierry Portafaix, JeanLuc Baray, Béatrice Morel, Serge Baldy, Jean Leveau, Alain Hauchecorne, Philippe Keckhut, Ashokabose Moorgawa, MaxM Michaelis et R Diab. LIDAR observations of lower stratospheric aerosols over South Africa linked to large scale transport across the southern subtropical barrier. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 65, 6, pp. 707-715. Elsevier, 2003. 10.1016/S1364-6826(03)00006-3. #204
  • Thierry Portafaix, Béatrice Morel, Hassan Bencherif, Serge Baldy, Sophie Godin-Beekmann et Alain Hauchecorne. Fine-scale study of a thick stratospheric ozone lamina at the edge of the southern subtropical barrier. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108, D6. American Geophysical Union, 2003. 10.1029/2002JD002741. #209