Home » Completed Projects » IOS-NET » OBJECTIVES


The Reunion Island research team  (LE2P) and its partner, the IOC, have set up three project objectives :

  1. The solar radiation ground-based measurements existing network in Reunion Island extension to the IOC territories (Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles) – and other standard meteorological parameters. In concrete terms, the 4 partners will be equipped with identical stations to those that LE2P has been developing for more than 7 years now in and around  Reunion Island.
  2. The accessibility of the data collected in open data on a TDS server (offering a file format specifically designed for mapping), the quality of this data being controlled by the LE2P research laboratory.
  3. Training of local populations through knowledge transfer workshops on solar resource management : a mini-series describing the project and a smartphone application allowing to consult in real time the data of the stations will be realized.